quaintrelle.photography - Quaintrelle Photography

Description: Quaintrelle Photography: A quaintrelle is a woman who emphasizes a life of passion expressed through personal style, leisurely pastimes, charm, and cultivation of life's pleasures.

photography (51215) mirjam (37) quaintrelle (1)

Example domain paragraphs

“A photograph is never just a picture, it’s all the pictures you’ve seen, books you’ve read, movies and music you remember, travel you’ve done, people you’ve met and moments you’ve forgotten. You find all of it again, wanted or unwanted in your pictures.“ ― Vincent Peters

Feelings evoked by the design, architecture. Shapes, lines, textures, patterns. Providing individual perspective, revealing hidden beauty in the marginal, little-noticed details of everyday life.

Self-explanatory, no additional words needed. Snaps from here and there, in no particular order.