quantum-theology.net - "quantum theology > home page"

Description: quantum theory, theology, quantum computation, quantum communication,

theology (607) quantum theory (18) quantum computation (9) quantum communication (3)

Example domain paragraphs

Quantum Theology: A fertile union of physics and theology

The world is what it is, but how we know and think about it can change from person to person and moment to moment.

For two thousand years western civilization has been corrupted by the belief that there is something wrong with the material world. The sources of this error are to be found our ancient literary foundations, the Bible and Classical Greek philosophy. Genesis explains that god ruined paradise because the first humans disobeyed them. Many of the Greeks, from Parmenides through Plato to the Gnostic streak in the early Christian theologians, emphasized that this ephemeral world is but a shadow of an eternal heav

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