queendomof5.co.uk - Queendom of 5 – This is our Queendom. Me, Queen B. ​ My 5 precious daughters, who make this Queendom of 5.

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This is our Queendom. Me, Queen B. ​ My 5 precious daughters, who make this Queendom of 5.

Have you ever said the above to anyone? Or perhaps you have been told this in your life? I did say it to a special person after I started having doubts about our relationship, the moment the idea of polyamory first appeared […]

Have you ever said the above to anyone? Or perhaps you have been told this in your life? I did say it to a special person after I started having doubts about our relationship, the moment the idea of polyamory first appeared in my mind, taking breaks, reconciling… Despite all these, He wanted to get me back, taking it all on board, hesitantly, what it would be like being with a poly person having the entire package, the household of 5 children? Will I be in love with him ever again?…