quentinrychner.com - Home | Quentin Rychner - Oboist, composer & teacher

Description: Quentin Rychner is a multifaceted musician: oboist, teacher, and composer. He plays in symphonic orchestras and teaches privately in The Hague. Quentin Rychner is een veelzijdige musicus: hoboïst, docent en componist. Hij speelt in symfonieorkesten en geeft les in Den Haag.

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As a professional oboist, I need to have enough blanks to make reeds as needed, also for my students. In the past few weeks, I've been tying quite a lot, and I now have enough for the next half year!

This week, on the 13th of November, I'll play the Tombeau de Couperin by Maurice Ravel. This piece is sometimes also called the Tombeau du Hautboïste because of it's prominent oboe solos. I, as every other oboe student, have practised those solos, especially the Prélude, for the past ten years because it features in every audition! I am very glad to finally perform it, with an orchestra composed of very good friends, in the Buitensociëteit van de Hanzehof!