quickprinterforandroid.com - Quick Printer

Description: Quick Printer by diegoveloper

html5 (13654) mobile (13650) responsive (9881) android (9634) css3 (8009) mobile first (1607) printer (1495) diegoveloper (2) quickprinter (1) esc/pos (1)

Example domain paragraphs

API Integration

If you want to print your sms, notes, text from the browser or any favorite text you have, after configuring Quick Printer, just go to your favorite application, select the text you want to print, press Share, a list of applications will be displayed, select Quick Printer, and it's done!

If you have any web/android application of points of sale such as restaurant, store, or any that requires printing a sales ticket or similar, you can integrate it in a simple way, just contact me Here