quiltsnepal.org - Quilts for Kids Nepal - This is our "old" website which we use now for special events.  Please visit our new website at www.quil

Description: Quilts for Kids Nepal is a microfinance project, based in Kathmandu, Nepal. It's mission is to provide work for economically-challenged women and to finance education for underprivileged children.Founded in 2006, the project operates in an encampment of In

washington (4891) nonprofit (3826) dc (2234) including social services (313) kathmandu (152) nw (134) empowering women (77) quilts for kids nepal (1) 1239 vermont avenue (1) suite 901 (1)

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5861 Maury River Road Rockbridge Baths , VA 24473 ph: 202.938.5446 admin @quiltsne pal .org

  Quilts for Kids Nepal is a microfinance project, based in Kathmandu, Nepal. It's mission is to provide work for economically-challenged women and to finance education for underprivileged children.

Founded in 2006, the project operates in an encampment of Indian street beggars located in a large field in the Boudhanath neighborhood of Kathmandu.