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I am a classically-trained musician singing with the renowned Saint Thomas Choir of Men and Boys in New York City, widely considered the finest Anglican choir in the United States. I am currently the Head Chorister, working closely with the Director of Music, Jeremy Filsell , and organists to train younger choristers. In my tenure there, I have had numerous important solos , gone on multiple tours, appeared on television three times, recorded a CD, and been interviewed about life as a chorister.  Please see

Being a leader in a professional-level ensemble has taught me to reach beyond what I thought my limits were, to collaborate, to mentor and serve, and about responsibility and the joy of accomplishment.

Recently, I began to explore musical theater, film scoring and acting this past summer at Manhattan School of Music, and I will attend their Pre-College program in Spring 2021. I also study music composition privately with Grammy-nominated composer Scott Healy .