rabiasensei.blogspot.my - Rabia Sensei

Description: A blog about about beloved country Malaysia, weddings/perkahwinan, gadget, technology, recipes, exciting events, contests, educations and etc.

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Write to Express, Not to Impress

Picture Credit  : Program Cuti Sekolah Di UPM

Okay, it's Monday. It's the THIRD week of school holidays. (Need to capitalize the third coz if not I will keep lazing myself here) Otak I dah tepu, guys. Termasuklah lemak-lemak dibadan ini. Actually, ada jer kerja nak buat. But as usual, I procrastinated my work and did other 'important' stuff such as binge-watching my long list of series, movies and don't forget my list of Korean drama as well. (I haven't started watching my Oppa yet, though. Not sure, I have time to watch this during the school holidays