rachelhaot.com - Rachel Haot

time (2117) transit (627) inventions (232) spacex (212) servicedesign (11) rocketlab (4) public technology (3) vastspace (1) impulsespace (1)

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Just returned from my first visit to Rio de Janeiro, and grateful for the chance to meet its beautiful people, feel the warm Carioca culture and witness staggering nature. I admire how its people love children, have a light way of moving through the world and seem to live in the moment.

Congratulations to Max Haot, Jed McCaleb and the Launcher and Vast teams on this incredible opportunity. Excited for what you will build together.

The MTA’s Live Subway Map built by Work and Co and made possible by the Transit Innovation Partnership was named one of 2021’s best inventions by TIME . And made the cover. Try it, use it, love it: https://map.mta.info

Links to rachelhaot.com (2)