radicalrelationshipcoaching.ca - Radical Relating

Description: Trauma-informed relationship coaching with Mel Cassidy. For social misfits and cultural rebels exploring consensual non monogamy, including Polyamory, Relations

relationship coach (157) polyamory (100) somatics (76) non-monogamy (25)

Example domain paragraphs

My name is Mel, and I want to live in a world where people can connect courageously and love authentically.

I guide social misfits and cultural rebels to experiences of joyful, embodied, authentic, open relationships.

I specialise in working with queer and questioning humans — and the people who love them — who are curious about, or already practicing, consensual non-monogamy, with a focus on Self-Partnership, Solo Polyamory, Relationship Anarchy, and Trauma Informed practices.

Links to radicalrelationshipcoaching.ca (5)