railtainer.net - Ihr Container-Hinterlandlogistik-Netzwerk in Europa | Contargo

Description: Im Contargo-Netzwerk werden die systembedingten Vorteile der drei Verkehrsträger Wasser, Schiene und Straße optimal kombiniert.

transport (8221) network (6899) logistics (4686) container (1825) networks (1095) containers (797) logistic (625) transports (265) contargo (21) trimodal network

Example domain paragraphs

On 1 August Contargo GmbH & Co. KG is reorganising its management team: Holger Bochow, who has occupied various executive positions in the enterprise for many years now, will be the fifth Managing Director of Contargo GmbH & Co. KG. His colleague Uwe Storch already joined the management team on 1 March. Thomas Löffler will be successively reducing his commitments.

At present, average waiting times for the handling of our barges in the seaports are:

Antwerp: 23 hours