rainbowsolar.org - www.rainbowsolar.org

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This next link was posted on Tue 01 Aug 2023. It leads to the menu page for the Boone County representative climate summary for Mon 01 Aug 2022 through Mon 31 Jul 2023. It includes the degree of the received solar energy. Click Here for Boone County Climate Summary

This site is dedicated to my friends and neighbors who truly wish to survive, with honor intact, the coming storm. My Friends, there is a storm coming that will engulf the entire planet, a storm that will come about as the natural consequence of the infectious greed and arrogance of men.

Even now, there have been great signs appearing in the Heaven. The children of this age never look up. There have been rumors of impending doom within the bowels of the Earth. The children of this age never place their ears to the ground. The very surface of the Earth has been mindlessly defaced by the children of this age. The powers of Heaven, the powers of the Earth, and the powers of the Underworld are even now gathering and converging for a great confrontation.

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