Description: A documentary series about early childhood development that goes beyond parenting to explore how social conditions, public polices and inequities impact our youngest children.
documentary (3528) early childhood education (590) early childhood development (52) health equity (52) toxic stress (9) paid family leave (7) baby brain development (2) inequity (2) child care (2) adverse childhood experiences (aces)
EPISODE 1: THE SIGNATURE HOUR. The science is clear: when parents are stressed, babies pay the price. That is why improving conditions for families with young children is one of the best investments any nation can make.
Imagine how things would be different today if high-quality childcare and pre-K was affordable and available to every family who wanted it. It almost happened.
Economists are clear: investing in high-quality early care and education is good for our kids and communities, and even pays for itself many times over. So, why aren’t we investing?