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I love working on the design aspect of the job. The entire design process is enjoyable for me, even if some projects require a significant amount of revisions. As a freelancer, I assure my clients that I make the design process simple and painless by working with them directly. I keep my client list manageable and in the end, that benefits the people that I work with. I have excellent references, please don't hesitate to get in touch .
I offer an exclusive service to my clients. A private portal for them to manage and re-order their printed marketing materials. My portal website caters specifically to my clients and is not available to the public retail space. This service allows my clients to receive a complete, searchable, digital archive of their printed marketing materials... including counter cards, posters, business cards, brochures, flyers, sell sheets, inserts... everything!
Are you looking to create a website but not sure where to start? Look no further than WordPress! This platform offers an incredibly user-friendly experience and boasts a plethora of plug-ins that can take your site to the next level. Don't believe me? Take the time to learn it and see for yourself. Trust me, it's well worth it. And if you need a helping hand with your next WordPress project, I'm here to provide an estimate and guide you every step of the way.