ralphepperson.com - Ralph Epperson's Latest Conspiracy Catalog

Description: Ralph Epperson is an historian, author, and lecturer who has been researching the CONSPIRATORIAL VIEW OF HISTORY (the view that the major events of the past have been planned years in advance by a central conspiracy) for some 30 years. He has written or produced two

money (4282) government (2861) masonry (1312) conspiracy (240) kennedy (199) symbols (158) ralph epperson (2)

Example domain paragraphs

On December 7, 1941, the Japanese navy and air force attacked the United States army, navy and air force units at PEARL HARBOR, HAWAII in what was called "A SURPRISE ATTACK." The next day, President Franklin Roosevelt called the attack "A DAY OF INFAMY," and asked Congress for a Declaration of War. It was granted, and America was in WORLD WAR TWO. Many at the time questioned how "A SURPRISE ATTACK" could have happened, and whether President Roosevelt should have known about it in advance and warned our forc

meaning the following weekend, Saturday, December 6th and Sunday, December 7th, 1941. ASK YOURSELF THIS QUESTION: How could this NEWSPAPER KNOW IN ADVANCE, but PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT DID NOT KNOW? One could reasonably conclude that PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT'S INTELLIGENCE SOURCES were better than the NEWSPAPERS! In other words, NINE CONGRESSIONAL INVESTIGATIONS WERE WRONG: President ROOSEVELT had to have known ......... even a Hawaii newspaper knew!!! (If you want documented evidence that Roosevelt DID KNOW ABOUT TH

The Chicago Tribune tried to warn us about Barack Obama in 1934.

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