ramibleckt.com - Rami Bleckt Personal website - Rami Bleckt Personal website

Description: Rami Bleckt Personal website

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We’re happy to announce that Rami e-books are now available at Amazon: 10 STEPS TO HAPPINESS, HEALTH AND SUCCESS — https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YJ66Q5T The Three Energies: The Forgotten Canons of Health and Harmony — https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YJ6NVP2 THE ALCHEMY OF INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS: The Art of Listening and Being Heard — https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07YKJYPPS How to Make a Deal with the Universe: or the Planets’ […]

God is a comedian, I say this from time to time. As a rule, if we ask questions, He answers quite precisely. At least, in my case, it has always worked. As soon as Rahu entered my ninth house, which promises new pilgrimages and spiritual knowledge, I found myself at the ashram in the Bahamas. […]

— Rami, let me thank you for your work, especially for your books. And especially for the fact that our children read them. By the way, what do you think we should teach our children first and foremost? — Selflessness and the ability to give are the basis of success and happiness in any sphere […]

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