ramonequides.com - Home Page - Ramone Quides

Description: This is the website of Ramone Quides: Renaissance Man, erotica author, human rights advocate and epistemophiliac.

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Hello, and welcome to my page. Here you’ll find my monthly musings, excerpts from stories as I create and publish them, and links to some of my favorite sites, influencers, and just great people. I’m glad you’ve chosen to visit.

I write erotica to explore and express the wonders of intimacy and connection. I’ve always felt that intimacy and sexual stimulation starts in the mind, enhanced by the senses. Memories of a special connection, or missed opportunities shrouded in what-if’s. The taste, the textures, flavors and flourishing that resonate around and within us, creating a bounce in our step, causing our mouth’s corner to elevate with seductive intent, and breed a warmth in our groins. Often, the complexities of life demand that

When I took up creative writing in 2020, my goal was to capture that which had meaning and fulfillment to me. In my erotica, I’ve aspired to write about varied genres with pansexual eloquence, to challenge myself while respecting the broad range of sexualities and interests in the world. All are valid and meaningful to the holders of such, and with research, calls to community and brutally honest reviewers, I hope my imagination crafts respectful, ethical portrayals of people embracing their passions.

Links to ramonequides.com (2)