rampaprenestina.it - Rampaprenestina |

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Art, in its many expressions, is a highly effective tool of inclusiveness in the field of human relationships. (P. Freire)

Rampa Prenestina is a Cultural Association for Social Promotion, which since 2013 has set up a social laboratory made up of artists, art educators and therapists. Alongside production in various artistic disciplines, we carry out activities in the field of non-formal education based on the encounter between artistic languages and socio-educational paths aimed at minors and young adults from disadvantaged social groups. We promote the knowledge of music and other forms of art (theater, circus, dance, visual

The promotion of art as an educational tool to support the social inclusion of Roma and non-Roma youth through artistic and socio-educational projects. The knowledge of art in its countless expressions that helps young people in the development of a positive personality and guidance on the path of active citizenship.