randalllarsenpresents.com - Randall Larsen Presents | Bringing Great Stories in Film and Print to the American Public

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Order DVD on Amazon and in Wal-Mart, Target and Barnes & Noble stores! DVD includes 50 minutes of bonus material.

Available for streaming on Amazon Prime Available for streaming on ValorousTV .  

Black Hawk Down: The Untold Story is a documentary film on the heroic efforts of the soldiers from the 2nd Battalion 14th Infantry Regiment, 10th Mountain Division (2-14). These men demonstrated extraordinary courage, skill, and discipline as they fought their way into a “baited ambush” to rescue the special operations forces pinned down at the crash site of Super Six-One while also attempting a rescue at the crash site of Super Six-Four. Two soldiers from the 2-14 were killed and eighteen wounded in what m

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