randomwinners.com - RandomWinners - Third party lottery drawing service

Description: RandomWinners is the most trusted third party authority that guarantees a fair drawing for competitions and sweepstakes all over the world.

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RandomWinners is the most trusted third party authority that guarantees a fair drawing for competitions and sweepstakes all over the world.

Once the list of entrants is uploaded to our servers by the sweepstakes organizer, machines take over! The list can no longer be altered or tampered with in any way. Once the draw is completed, the results are final and permanent. Entrants can query the list and find out with certainty if they were indeed included in the list. Read more →

To draw the winners, RandomWinners.com uses a state of the art swiss-made device based on the principles of quantum optics. Certified by both METAS and the Compliance Testing Laboratory, our device guarantees true randomness. Read more →

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