ratkaisirko.hu - Rátkai László - Síremlékkészítés, betűvésés - Bemutatkozás

Description: Rátkai László - Síremlékkészítés, betűvésés

budapest (1139) kivitelezés (155) egyedi (141) készítés (93) sírkő (36) síremlék (21) temető (15) lászló (10) betűvésés (3) rátkai (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Welcome to my website! I have been working in this trade since 1982. After several years working as an apprentice in the trade I gained considerable expertise and skills in stone-work. I qualified in 1989 and since then I have been working independently in my own workshop. I work creatively with marble, artificial stone and granite and I am continuously extending my range of products. I produce new gravestones, which I can deliver and install. In addition I restore or relocate existing graves. In addition,