raytracey.blogspot.fi - Ray Tracey's blog

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Quasi-random, more or less unbiased blog about real-time photorealistic GPU rendering

Well this put a smile on my face. Nvidia just announced Racer RTX, a fully real-time raytraced minigame running on their Omniverse platform on a single RTX 4000. It looks quite a few steps up from Marbles RTX, which was already exceptional in itself. The lighting and shading quality is fairly unparalleled for a real-time application. It's amazing to see how quickly this technology has progressed in the last five years and to know that this will be available to everyone (who can afford a next-gen GPU) soon.

A comparison of ray tracing performance on RTX 3000 with DLSS 2.0 vs RTX 4000 with DLSS 3.0: