Description: The Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone (RBIDZ) is a state-owned, legally registered, industrial development company situated in KwaZulu-Natal.
kzn (61) rbidz (1) richards bay industrial development zone (1) special economic development (1) industrial development zone. (1)
Situated in the Northern Coast of South Africa, the Richards Bay Industrial Development Zone Company (SOC) Ltd (RBIDZ) is a designated Special Economic Zones (SEZ) aimed at international competitiveness, encouraging trade for the attraction of international and domestic investments.
Poised as a hub of trade activities, the Richards Bay IDZ is geared to effect real change in South Africa through the creation of employment opportunities, upgrading skills, technology transfer and broadening of the region’s basket of export products.
The RBIDZ has identified agro-processing as one of the priority sectors and is seeking investors to set up a plant for the agro-processing of perishable and non-perishable goods in KwaZulu-Natal.