rccwestmids.org.uk - Red Cross of Constantine

Description: Red Cross of Constantine - West Midlands Division

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The Order of The Red Cross of Constantine is administered by and under Mark Masons Hall. The order in England and Wales consists of 28 Divisions which are like Provinces, each overseen by an Intendant–General.

The Order is not only Christian but the other prerequisite for membership is that one must be a Royal Arch Companion, indeed, the order is sometimes known as the Christian Royal Arch degree. Many might feel this is a poor description, although it is certainly true that candidates are admitted wearing their Royal Arch regalia and once admitted are known as Knights-Companion. Obligations are taken in the name of the Trinity in Unity and on the Bible, reinforcing the Christian connection.

The West Midlands Division covers six Craft Provinces, there 18 units or Conclaves within the Division. These Conclaves are spread over a large geographical area – from Kidsgrove in the north to Newnham-on-Severn in the south, a distance of something like 120 miles, and from Rugby in the east to Leominster in the west, a distance of approximately 90 miles. Each Conclave normally meets three times a year, one meeting being the installation or Enthronement meeting, where the new Sovereign is installed, and th

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