Green Power Denmark and Swedish Windpower Association are once again hosting the RE-Scandinavia conference concerning Power Purchase Agreements (PPA's). PPA's are contracts between buyers and sellers of renewable energy (RE) from e.g. wind power and solar power.
In a world where support schemes for renewable energy are being gradually phased out, PPA's can be a valuable tool to decrease risks and drive new investments in wind and solar PV. The ambitious climate and energy targets set out by the EU and individual countries are driving many parts of our society in a greener direction away from fossil fuels and energy dependency from e.g. Russia.
This transition includes companies and other end-users who want to contribute by sourcing their energy consumption from new renewable energy capacity via PPAs. The conference focuses on how macro trends of electrification and the current energy crisis are affecting the market of PPA's in the Nordics, as well as PPA’s in connection with new types of consumers, e.g. producers of hydrogen/Power-to-X, where new EU rules (for RFBNO) affects criteria of temporal correlation and additionality.