
Description: Companion website for the book Real-Time Collision Detection by Christer Ericson

table of contents (17) collision detection (13) errata (9) gjk (4) minkowski (3) christer ericson (1) real-time collision detection (1) rtcd (1) gilbert johnson keerthi (1) voronoi region (1)

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Navigation Home Book    Contents    Errata    References    Reviews    Buy it About me Publications Book Links Geometric Tools Hacknot About this site This is the companion site for the book Real-Time Collision Detection by Christer Ericson (Morgan Kaufmann, 2005). You can find an errata linked from the left of the screen. If you have corrections for either text or code, please email them to me at: christer 'at-sign' .

In an attempt to remedy the very infrequent updates here, I've set up a blog where I will try to make more frequent updates and talk about things not just related to my book and to collision detection. See you there! Update - 6/15/07 A long overdue update! First, I talked at GDC 2007, again as part of the physics tutorial session. I repeated my talk on numerical robustness but I also covered the separating-axis test. Slides from both presentations are on my publications page . God of War II shipped back in

In other news: Real-Time Collision Detection has gone into a second printing. This printing incorporates the corrections on the errata page. Also, God of War recently made it into the PlayStation 2 Greatest Hits and is now only $20. Best $20 you'll ever spend!

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