- REassurance | Independent boutique insurance broker | CEE

Description: REassurance is an independent insurance broker and advisor with a specific focus and specialisation within the transactional risk sector in the CEE region.

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We specialise in the placement of a range of insurances within the entire CEE region for real estate, M&A and renewable energy transactions.

Throughout the CEE region there are many types of insurance that are frequently used in commercial real estate transactions that are considered to be transactional risk products. Insurance helps manage risk in real estate transactions and can be as simple as overcoming a specific need or problem to transferring liability or the sophisticated structure of the deal between parties. Insurance provides clarity, simplicity and security.

Title insurance is a well known and frequently used insurance in commercial real estate transactions. In CEE using title insurance on real estate investment transactions is market practice in multiple jurisdictions. Although the product has been widely available for many years there can still be some uncertainty as how or when it can be used. As title insurance becomes more cost effective, we believe that it will continue to be widely used on real estate investment transactions - Read more

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