- Rebecca Kosick

Description: R E B E C C A   K O S I C K About Rebecca Kosick co-directs the Bristol Poetry Institute and founded the Indisciplinary Poetics Research Cluster at the University of Bristol where she is Senior Lecturer in Comparative Poetry and Poetics in the School of Modern Languages. She has a PhD in…

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My poetry collection, Labor Day , is available from Golias Books . You can also find my poems in the Small Press chapbook, Maths Poems ; in the Poetry Project’s magazine, The Recluse ; in Fence ; in the ACE-funded collaborative exhibition, Unreal Estates ; and elsewhere . For UK copies of Labor Day, try Good Press .

My translation of Hélio Oiticica’s Secret Poetics is forthcoming from Soberscove Press and Winter Editions in 2023. Find more of my translations in The Iowa Review , , Jukub: Poems from Chiapas for the Reverse Conquest , and Bailliwik , or read an interview with me about teaching translation.

My book, Material Poetics in Hemispheric America , is available from Edinburgh UP . I’m currently working on two new academic books: Detroit’s Alternative Press: Dispatches from the Avant-Garage (under contract with WSUP ); and Multiverses: Languages of Contemporary Poetry . More research here .