Description: "Reconnective Bodywork aims to inspire and educate health conscious people who wish to benefit from a physical practice based on natural dynamics. This inspirational workshop will change the way you experience your inner nature."
coaching (24439) training (24003) health (21310) yoga (14481) personal (9863) energy (6381) workshop (5498) tai chi (1310) natural movement (12) inspitation (4)
Reconnective Bodywork aims to inspire and educate health conscious people who wish to benefit from a physical practice based on natural dynamics.
The primal connection between human beings and natural dynamics is not merely a luxury but in fact a requirement for both our health and happiness.
Whether we are aware of it or not, our loss of connection with nature is not just a psychological one but also a physical one. The deficiencies we may experience due to this disconnection can manifest themselves as a loss of identity, vitality, creativity and/or efficiency.