Description: Record3D — iOS app for recording 3D Videos and Point Cloud (RGBD) Streaming. View your own 3D Videos in AR, export them into glTF or PLY files. Experience the True3D effect!
video (59209) app (12386) 3d (9655) ios (6728) streaming (4445) stream (1482) lidar (289) record3d (1) lidarvideos (1) rgbd (1)
Make your own 3D videos, display them in AR, export them into glTF or PLY files! Experience the True3D effect when you look into a world behind your screen!
Are you a digital artist or developer? You can stream RGBD video (point clouds) via USB cable. C++ and Python libraries are available . Open Source and Multiplatform!
With a new paid Extension Pack, you can also live-stream via Wi-Fi (on your local network) into a web browser! And replay your videos in a browser.