Description: Discover the story of Jessicka Addams, lead singer of Jack Off Jill and Scarling. Learn about her impact on alternative music and her work as a visual artist.
visual artist (933) alternative rock (234) gothic music (22) jessicka addams (6) jack off jill (5) scarling (5)
Have something you’ve always wanted to ask Jessicka Addams? Here’s your chance! Jessicka is inviting fans and followers to submit their questions for an upcoming Q&A session.
She’ll select a variety of questions to answer, covering topics ranging from her creative process to her career and beyond. Whether it’s about her inspirations, memorable moments, or unique insights, Jessicka is ready to share her thoughts with you.
- Submit your question using the form. - Stay tuned for the Q&A release to see if your question was chosen.