- RED 225

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Since opening the Red 225 gallery in February 2023, two of the questions that I’m most frequently asked are, “Are you an artist?” to which I reply, “No, not really,” which then elicits the follow-up question, “You mean, you do all of this just because you like art?”  For some reason, the premise of a curator can confuse people.  Why would one want to dedicate hours of their life in support of sharing another’s creative work?  In the following interview with curator Brooke Hailey, such puzzle is unpacked.  T

What is your earliest memory of your burgeoning interest in art?

I’ve always been a creative person, but I gained a passion for art in Art History classes in high school. I then continued to study throughout undergrad and then decided when I graduated at 20 to continue to pursue my interest in art in graduate school. I then was studying and working at the Whitechapel Gallery and took volunteer positions at various other galleries. That is when I felt really confident that my interest in art would be my passion.

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