- Live Overlays | Red Rock OPS LLC

Description: Red Rock OPS LLC is a Las Vegas Consulting firm offering consulting services in Live Overlays, Calman Color Calibration, and Broadcast Services. We have over 30 years of experience.

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Log In F8-2018 LED Wall Calibration This LED wall was calibrated by the CALMAN Ultimate Suite. The wall was calibrated to reproduce color that was within the REC. 709 color specification, which was safe for broadcast. This allowed the live and virtual audience to see the show content exactly as it was designed. Ask us how you can use CALMAN to calibrate the screens for your next event.

Red Rock OPS offers Color Calibration services for various types of applications including Live Event production. This is an outdoor LED product that was calibrated for an indoor application to conform to the REC. 709 specification, We worked with content designers to assure that what they created in their studio was exactly what the audience experienced.

This LED wall was calibrated by the CALMAN Ultimate Suite. The wall was calibrated to reproduce color that was within the REC. 709 color specification, which was safe for broadcast. This allowed the live and virtual audience to see the show content exactly as it was designed. Ask us how you can use CALMAN to calibrate the screens for your next event.

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