- Reflections of a Persian Princess

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Happy 47 th birthday, Siamak, or as happy as it can be under the circumstances.* Inspired by your turning 47 (an auspicious number from my college days), I thought to share an update on life on the outside so as to prepare you for when you join us again.

So… some things have happened since I last wrote. Perhaps most notably was the #MeToo movement that basically brought to light the pervasiveness of sexual harassment and sexual assault (the hash tag comes from women expressing that they too have experienced it). Super eye opening! Super effective? Let’s hope so…

On happier news, Prince Harry married actor Meghan Markle best known for her role in the TV show Suits . Not sure how familiar you are with her (admittedly, I had hardly heard the name before their engagement) but the big deal isn’t just that she’s a commoner, an American, a Hollywood celebrity and a divorcee, but that her mother is African-American.  And though I’m fairly certain that most Brits and Americans couldn’t give a shit less that Meghan, sorry the Duchess of Sussex, is half black, it was a big de