- Regenerative Vibration

Description: My mission is simple yet profound—to rekindle your body's innate capacity for healing through a fusion of various modalities.

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After many years in marketing and graphic design, I knew there was another path for me. I was burned out, both physically and mentally, struggling with severe Fibromyalgia, depression, and anxiety. After reaching a dead-end with Western medicine, I began a holistic healing journey which led me to the land of enchantment. I combine my love of Regenerative Health and Science, Reiki, Sound Healing, and Frequency to help people thrive. More of my story….

Regenerative Vibration is a holistic practice that specializes in the work of regenerative health. Regenerative health is all about getting to the root cause of symptoms or a disease. Addressing the root cause allows the body to reverse, repair, and regenerate from its current state. This is accomplished through detoxification, herbalism, and nutrition.

I am a holistic health practitioner and coach that is trained in regenerative detox, iridology, the systems of the body, and facial mapping which help me assess the body as a whole.