- Reichsstadt Rottweil - Welcome

Description: The former Reichsstadt Rottweil in Baden-Wuerttemberg. Location and territory, history, sources and documents and much more.

history (7452) genealogy (2879) archives (660) rottweil (218) oberndorf (99) schramberg (82) tax book (4) reichstadt (1) military inspection lists (1) musterungsrollen (1)

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This site is devoted to people who are searching their roots in this nice part of Germany.

The title of this first page (of over 20 you can find at this site) is derived from a publication of Ruckgaber (1875) ("Geschichte der Frei- und Reichsstadt Rottweil"). Of course, if one refers to these times today, the name of this former independent city state within the Holy Roman Empire of German Nation is more often called "Freie und Reichsstadt Rottweil" - which means essentially the same. But only this welcome page will bear the title "Frei- und Reichsstadt". Because newer researches have shown that

Under the topic "Location and Territory" a description of its location will be given and the extent of this city state will be explained; it contains some information about the previous Oberamt Rottweil (not available yet), the present day Landkreis Rottweil, the villages and parishes that belonged to this mini state.

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