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We are a family business, consisting of father, son, and daughter. We believe that an attorney-client relationship should be a life-long commitment and that each and every person we accept as a client becomes a member of our family.  We will ask you to speak with us before we decide to accept your case because we want to make sure you are a good and therefore receive the best services available.  We hope to provide the kind of boutique services that will meet all your family’s needs, so you aren’t stuck sea

We are a very busy law firm, but we never forget that, living in a small town, our best advertisement is word of mouth. That means that we never want you to walk away unhappy with our services. We can’t win every case, but we hope that the client always feels that they received the best representation out there.

Located at: 100 2nd Ave. S. Okanogan, WA  98840 (509) 422-3610