- Comics, writing and music by Reinder Dijkhuis.

Description: The personal site of cartoonist, sometime musician and all-time bloviator Reinder Dijkhuis. May contain webcomics

fantasy (4145) humor (2858) comic (2339) story (1645) cartoon (1618) webcomic (593) epic (455) online comic (84) fantasy comic (5) online cartoon (3)

Example domain paragraphs

I'm Reinder Dijkhuis and I make stuff. Mostly comics, but sometimes I write or play music. This site showcases my comics and a bunch of random thoughts I've taken the trouble to write down over the past twenty-odd years. I used to be a translator, but I gave it up for the time being. This hand-coded*, self-hosted** website exists because you should never trust a platform not to sell you out.

*except for the bits that are exported from WordPress

**except for the bits I haven't moved over from the platforms yet Comics Rogues of Clwyd-Rhan on ComicFury Rogues of Clwyd-Rhan in Danish on ComicFury (small selection) Tess Durban English | Danish | French (Quebec) Greyfriar's Isle English | French (Quebec) | Danish | Dutch Aphantasia Virtuous Pin Drop Abúi's Travels Chronicles of the Witch Queen by Geir Strøm, Daniel Østvold and Reinder Dijkhuis The Lives of X!Gloop (selection) White House In Orbit by Geir Strøm and Reinder Dijkhuis Support my comics on P

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