-  Reliable Software, Inc. - Michael Stiefel

Description: Reliable Software, Inc. has the .NET and industry experience to take even radical ideas and take them from requirements analysis, through design and implementation. Michael Stiefel is a practicing Microsoft .NET software consultant who can deliver practical courses that will make your engineers productive immediately.

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Are you frustrated by software architects who cannot understand your business?   Do you find that the people who understand the business cannot get their ideas translated into good software?

Michael Stiefel, president of Reliable Software, Inc. can help you solve these problems. He can take the big picture and formulate strategy, and then make it real with the appropriate development tactics.

I understand how to take a business need and translate into a solution. I can talk to a CEO, CIO, CTO, or a CFO, as well as a developer, or tester. I know how to make the business model and software a seamless whole so that the human process and the software process work together as one. Agile processes work just as well during business planning as they do during software development.

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