- Oncology Nutritionist | Remission Nutrition | United States

Description: Providing virtual integrative, personaIized and metabolically focused Oncology Nutrition Consulting for cancer prevention and management worldwide.

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Curious how diet and lifestyle can help prevent, compliment, or manage your cancer process? You’ve come to the right place. Dietary therapies have been used in medicine for over 5,000 years, and should be a centerpiece in your care plan today. Nutrition and lifestyle modifications have been shown to impact all ten hallmarks of cancer.   From decreasing the spread (metastasis) of cancer cells, to promoting cancer cell death (apoptosis) to inhibiting growth factors - believe it or not, metabolic nutrition and

Our team of highly trained and certified Oncology Nutrition Consultants (ONC) are dedicated to ancestral, science-based, metabolically focused, genetically tuned therapeutic nutrition in order to create an inhospitable environment for cancer to thrive while also identifying and removing the dietary and lifestyle agents that may provoke it. In fact, numerous studies have found that diet and lifestyle choices are the leading cause of many modern diseases. Various suggestions out there for nutrition and cancer

Take the quiz to learn about your ten health terrains from the #1 Bestseller The Metabolic Approach to Cancer Co-written by Remission Nutrition Founder,  Jess Higgins Kelley, MNT, ONC Take the quiz Buy the book Featured in Metabolic Oncology Nutrition should be part of your standard of care Learn more about Metabolic Oncology Nutrition Our Services New Clients

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