- Who Is The Remnant Church?

Description: Who is the remnant church described in revelation 12:17 some ask while other books of revelation reveal exactly who the remnant Church of God is.

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Many are asking who is the remnant Church described in Revelation chapter 12? Many Churches claim to be this end time remnant that God raised to restore His Commandments and lost Bible truths, but if they do not meet the Biblical criteria than obviously they cannot be. The true remnant however are revealed from God’s Word and from a very significant historical event that involved the entire world. It will help greatly if we first look at a brief overview of the history of the Church to understand what has h

From Creation to the Remnant Church:

Our humble apologies to all Catholics but genuine love demands the identification of the antichrist power so that no honest person will be deceived, for eternity is at stake. While identifying the Roman Catholic Church as the antichrist power, we hasten to remind all sincere Christians that many of Christ’s true followers are still members of this Church. They are unaware of the great deception under which they worship. The Saviour died for them as well as people of all other faiths. The present is surely t