- Remote HD - Ultimate access to your Mac, PC and AppleTV

Description: Remote HD is an iOS application that gives you complete access to your Mac/PC/AppleTV as well as supplying rich controls for media playback and running presentations.

app (11981) iphone (7970) ipad (4308) remote (1225) hybrid (896) ipod touch (287) htpc (68) vnc (47) ios4 (3)

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Remote HD is the most feature-packed remote for your Mac/PC/AppleTV! This super fast VNC/Remote hybrid will instantly become an integral part of your state-of-the-art home theatre by allowing you to take complete control of your Mac/PC/AppleTV from your iPhone/iPad/iPodTouch.

Remote HD also doubles as a remote for PC

Check out the extensive list of cool and convenient features Remote HD has to offer, view some screenshots or get started using it now

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