- Remote Teaching Assistance

Description: Remote Teaching Assistance

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Against the backdrop of the Covid-19 pandemic and the worldwide disruption of classrooms for the delivery of formal education, the year 2020 has solidified the role of remote teaching assistants as essential personnel for the cohesive delivery of a new norm for education: Online Teaching and Learning.

2020: The COVID-19 pandemic; the worldwide shutdown of businesses; the disruption of economies; the shuttering of people in their homes; the lockdowns of schools and universities; and the halt to classroom teaching and learning highlighted the need to expand online education across all levels: from Pre-K in daycare learning centers, through to K-12 schools, and colleges and universities and ushering the need and demand for online education.

As with any major change affecting the whole of society, the expanded need for online education means educators must adapt to meet the need of their students. That adaptation means learning, and sometimes repurposing existing technology, and creating new technology.

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