Description: Join us as we celebrate The Mother Road, at The Rendezvous back to Route 66 - a legendary cruisin' car show celebrating San Bernardino's storied Route 66.
san bernardino (225) route 66 (185) route 66 rendezvous (2) rendezvous back to route 66 san bernardino chamber san bernardino car show route 66 cruisin reunion
The event borders are "E" Street to the West, 5th Street to the North, Arrowhead to the East and 2nd Street to the South.
For direction to the event area .
The cruise route will wind itself around and through the event area. The approved route is 2nd St to Arrowhead Ave., north to 5th, West on 5th to "E" St, to South on "E" St, East on Court St. to D St, South on D to 2nd St., East on 2nd to Arrowhead Ave.