Description: Alex Pardo, Susan Lassiter-Lyons and Kenny Rushing show real estate investors how to invest in REO's (real estate owned by banks).
reo (412) real estate owned (18) reo's (13) bank owned real estate (7)
Who Says YOU Can't Get The Same Pennies-On-The-Dollar Deals Those Wall Street Guys Get Revealed: Closely Guarded Real Estate Secret Blown Wide Open For The Select Few Main Street Investors Ready For Wall Street Profits
Dateline: 5 years past the Real Estate peak Dear Real Estate Investor, Are you sick from hearing all the sweet deals the too-big-to fail banks and hedge funds get? After all, it was all their shenanigans - which they made billions - that cratered the real estate market and the economy! If you or I did any of that stuff, we'd be in orange jumpsuits for the next few decades. Those guys... not even a single day at Club Fed. Instead, the first thing they got was a bailout. Now - they're getting packages of "non
Bulk REO Expert #1: Back On Top