- Project Sunflowers - Enabling Information, Enabling Justice

Description: The concept of a network of entities collecting information concerning crimes committed during the war in Ukraine.

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The Sunflowers Project is intended to complement the activities of national authorities and international tribunals established to prosecute and adjudicate war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide, aggression or other serious human rights violations related to Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, and to support bodies involved in reparation proceedings.

What is most important? Our Priority SECURITY OF THE INFORMATION Our priority is the security of the information entrusted to us. We obtain and store it in order to pass it on to competent international and national authorities that were established to prosecute and adjudicate international crimes committed in Ukraine since 24 February 2022 and to authorities that in future will develop reparations programs for victims of the war in Ukraine. No information entrusted to us will be used for any other purpose.

OHCHR believes that the actual figures are considerably higher, as the receipt of information from some locations where intense hostilities have been going on has been delayed and many reports are still pending corroboration.  

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