- Reservices Project

Description: REserviceS (IEE/11/814/SI2.616374) is a project funded by the Intelligent Energy Europe programme. The project started in April 2012 and will  nish in September 2014. The REserviceS consortium consists of leading knowledge organisations, renewable industry, network operators and European wind and PV industry associations. The project activities will be guided and reviewed by an Advisory Board and through various stakeholder events.

european (1137) economic (531) grid (470) renewables (327) res (193) iee (29) ewea (4) reservices (1) economic grip support (1) grid support (1)

Example domain paragraphs

REserviceS (Economic grid support from variable renewables) was the first study to investigate wind and solar based grid support services at EU level. It has provided technical and economic guidelines and recommendations for the design of a European market for ancillary services, as well as for future network codes within the Third Liberalisation Package.

Electricity grids must be operated safely and efficiently, and technical services provided to transmission and distribution system operators are an essential part of ensuring this. Such services include controlling the frequency and voltage as well as providing reserves. Generaly, these so-called ancillary services are provided by large dispatchable power plants. As the share of renewables in the overall energy system continues to rise – regionally expected to meet up to 50% of electricity demand by 2020 –

REserviceS encouraged the efficient and economic deployment of large shares of renewable energy sources by exploring how wind and solar photovoltaic (PV) plants can provide such services in the future European power system.