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funeral director (120) embalmer (18) temporary workers saskatchewan (1)
Allow us to supply you with the best embalming, and top quality customer service ranging from a pre-need and first call, to final disposition. A licensed contract professional can be of great assistance when you don’t necessarily need, or can’t afford a permanent staff member. Respite and Nepenthe will supply you with the best embalming, and top quality customer service ranging from a pre-need and first call to final disposition
Whether you need a vacation, have an upcoming family event, have a staff member who is on leave, or you just need a quick getaway, let us provide you with qualified staff and resources for a better quality of life and peace of mind. We are the only insured, registered, freelance funeral company in Saskatchewan solely focused on respite through contract funeral directing and embalming for independent funeral homes.
We are passionate about the funeral industry and serving families through funeral homes, Respite and Nepenthe Funeral Services provides contract funeral directing and embalming across Saskatchewan. We cater to the owners and managers of Independent Funeral Homes, so you can show up to the important events in your personal life. We can increase your quality of life, by compensating for the issues in our industry; such as overwork, short staffing, and burnout. Providing you with much needed valuable time off