- Retour au Maroc – Retourner vivre Au Maroc – Back to live in Morocco

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I’m a native Moroccan that after many years living and working abroad (overseas), decided to make my return to live in Morocco my homeland. In this blog, I share my life’s experience of immigration and return to the home land, thoughts, successes and difficulties during this adventure. Since finances are important to the immigration and reverse immigration journey, I also discuss personal finances. Money is not everything but sure it helps with a lot of things.

If you have kids and are considering returning to live in Morocco, schooling is among the questions that need to be figured out. In this post, I’m sharing my experience on this topic, starting with the school search until settling […]

If you ever sold a real estate property in Morocco, you probably have heard about the ‘Quitus Fiscal’. It’s a tax clearance certificate from the tax administration stating that you don’t owe them any tax or liens for that sold […]