- Retreat Guesthouse Hellen between Entebbe and Kampala (European standards) - Uganda

Description: A Guest House with Bed and Breakfast and more meals on request, providing European standards accommodation of a B'n'B at prices of a hostel.

accommodation (9732) bed and breakfast (4721) b&b (3683) rooms (2273) european (1141) guest house (1022) kampala (86) entebbe (9) kajjansi (1) kajansi (1)

Example domain paragraphs

The Guest House is located off Entebbe Road, about halfway between Entebbe and Kampala up on the beautiful hillside of Kitende (near Kajjansi). There are four bedrooms and a living room with a verandah for the guests. The rooms are designed for 2 to 3 people. Hellen, the landlady, is most committed to European standards of professional housekeeping which is a reason why so many of her guests keep coming back to her place when they travel in Uganda or come to the capital Kampala for business. She speaks Engl

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